Hey Guys, it was just announced that Resident Evil 6 will finally launch a Demo. But the Demo is only available with a copy of Dragon's Dogma. And what is Dragon's Dogma?

Dragon's Dogma is a Final Fantasy like video game by Capcom. Although, I never heard of this game until today! So not that much info is really known about it. Anyways, if you buy the Xbox 360 version of the game, you access the demo for Resident Evil 6 early on July 3rd. The PlayStation 3 version of the Demo will release on September 5th, alongside the Xbox Version of the demo.

Most likely people will buy Dragon's Dogma for the demo only. But it isn't worth it since the demo of Resident Evil 6 will release on PlayStaion 3 and Xbox 360 on September 5th.
Till Next Time!!