Friday, September 29, 2017

Xbox Live: Free Games of October 2017- A solid month...

Hey Guys, a lot has happened in the gaming news this week. The new Red Dead Redemption 2 trailer was amazing and is just building up hype for the game. I just can't wait for the game to release. As tradition towards the end of the month, I will you my thoughts on the free games on Xbox. Just a little side note, PlayStation has a much better lineup of free games for next month.

Image Provided by Major Nelson's Blog

I heard good things about Gone Home. Keep in mind, not everyone is going to be into these types of games because it's based on exploration, atmosphere, and general puzzle solving. While I am interested in playing it, I'm not sure I'll be able to play it especially in Broketober.

The Turning Test has been put on sale so many times that it's not even funny. I was scared to play it because I'm terrible when it comes to puzzle games. It's very reminiscent of Portal, so that's the main reason why I would like to give it a try.

Alright, I'm a big fan of Rayman. While I already played Rayman 3, it's good to give it a re-visit. If you're not into platformers, then this is not the game for you.

Medal of Honor Airborne was a solid game back in the game, but it hasn't exactly aged well. I would give it a try to just see how it compares to what I remember it being like. Just looking at the game you could tell it looks pretty dated. However, the guys at Xbox have a quote when it comes to including first person shooters.

Anyways, it's a much better month for Xbox Live users. Personally, I prefer PlayStation's free games because they are getting Metal Gear Solid 5 next month. Sure, I played the hell out of it, but it's an amazing game.
Till Next Time!!

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Can Project X compete with PUBG?

Hey Guys, this is actually new and I'm early to commentate on it! Okay, we all know what Player Unknown's Battlegrounds is due to its crazy amount of popularity and concurrent players. Seriously, this game is just killing it. Since I'm a console peasant, I'll have to wait until the Xbox One version of the game releases to be able to get into the action.
Image Provided by Eurogamer

We got a couple of details from the developer, Automaton, that the game will support 400 players in a Battlegrounds inspired gameplay. There was also a couple of screenshots, but it's nothing special since it doesn't really tell us anything important about the game. These maps are going to be huge (they are aiming for 12km by 12km) in order to accommodate the amount of players on a server.

Okay, I know what most of you are thinking. This is just aiming to be a Battlegrounds clone or merely aiming to profit off of Battlegrounds's success. It's arguable for sure.

If you've been following my blog for a while, you'll know I'm not a fan of big open-world games if there is nothing to do in them. What makes Battlegrounds so different to this exception is that the map decreases over time and you have to explore to get better items and weapons. It gets the adrenaline pumping!

If Project X is too similar to Battlegrounds in this regard besides just being bigger, then it's just a rip-off at that point. According to an IGN article,"In addition to its Battle Royale mode, the MMO will feature dynamic weather, roaming wildlife, social hubs, and a "player-driven" story". The final half of this sentence reminds me of The Division. That's not a good thing. I didn't like Tom Clancy's Pedestrian Simulator. The game has gotten better, but that's besides the point.

The point is, if this game doesn't do something avoid being similar to Battlegrounds then its in trouble. What's the point of being bigger if there's no soul?

Honestly, I'd rather stick to PUBG. I like the idea of 100 players. Anything above that is just too much for me. If you are liking this idea, that's fine. It will be releasing in 2018. Because of the popularity of PUBG, I don't see anyone switching over to Project X any time soon.
Till Next Time!!

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Should you buy the Super Mario Odyssey Nintendo Switch Bundle?

Hey Guys, there was a ton of news from Nintendo Direct. I was planning on talking about how Doom and Wolfenstein 2 were coming to the Switch and having a discussion about how the Nintendo Switch should be considered some serious competition. However, I think it's time to talk about if it's the right time to buy one.
Image Provided by IGN

Although Nintendo isn't exactly friendly when it comes to content creators, we cannot deny that every game developed by them is pure gold. So far, the console has some damn good exclusives.

Seriously, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is already considered to be one of the greatest games of all time. The recent Mario and Rabbids isn't even developed by Nintendo and is getting some pretty good reviews. How could Super Mario Odyssey be a bad game? There hasn't been a bad Super Mario game in a long time.

This bundle is coming with a game that is going to be good, a pair of red Joy-cons, and a carrying case. If you're on the go, how could you pass up on the offer of a carrying case coming with a bundle like this?

Honestly, the main issue with this bundle or even future Nintendo Switch bundles is that it doesn't come with an SD card. If you're planning on getting as many exclusive games as possible, then you're going to be disappointed with how much room is available on the Switch.

If you just want Super Mario Odyssey by itself, then you can get it on Amazon. You get that discount if you're an Amazon Prime Member after all. Just use this link right here, Super Mario Odyssey - Nintendo Switch.

The bundle will be releasing on October 27th. You can't get it on Amazon at the moment, but keep an eye out as I see these selling out quickly.
Till Next Time!!

Monday, September 11, 2017

PewdiePie vs. Sean Vanaman: My Thoughts

Hey Guys, PewdiePie has once again caused controversy over the internet again. Want to know what he did? While livestreaming some Battlegrounds, he dropped the "N" word. Of course, some people didn't like this one bit while other normal people knew that he was just messing around. Racism isn't the main point of this article as there are arguments on both sides of this. The main point of this article over the actions of Firewatch dev, Sean Vanaman.

Image Provided by Twitter

I want to make this known that I am not a PewdiePie fan by any stretch of the imagination. It's been a while since I have watched any videos made from him, so I am going to have an opinion on this from the perspective of someone who believes in the first amendment.

While Sean Vanaman was the creator of Firewatch and has the right to refuse to have his products show up in PewdiePie's vidoes, he has no right to use DMCA takedowns on his videos. Do you know what a DMCA takedown can do to a channel? It can lead to the death of a channel! No person deserves to have their channel taken down by bullshit like this unless they are our right stealing content. You know... like reaction channels.

While this particular tweet from Vanaman has a good point in the sense that your words can get yourself incriminated IN A CRIMINAL OFFENCE, I guess what he means that PewdiePie got himself into this situation by saying a racial slur. Using his logic about his steam not being commentary, what about other big steamers? Aren't they technically getting ad growth to their brands? These people have to make a living somehow.

"Our game on his channel= endorsement". What. The. Serious. Fuck. You give 3,000 keys to streamers and you gave one to PewdiePie. This was the same man who you can arguably say contributed to the YouTube adpocalypse. You're telling me you didn't do the same action when this happened? I'm not saying he should have, but as soon as PewdiePie dropped the "N" word he's like "fuck this I'm taking down his Firewatch videos".

Let's be honest, PewdiePie still has the most subscribers on YouTube and still pulls millions of viewers a day. Any game he shows on this channel essentially is being promoted. The fact that Sean Vanaman is bending over the man that helped bring Firewatch to popularity is already a dick move.

Have your own opinions, but when your actions are going to threaten someone's lifestyle-especially one who helped you- then you are no longer deserving of sympathy.
Till Next Time!!

Friday, September 8, 2017

Update: The plan ahead, Destiny 2, and other stuff

Hey Guys, just wanted to make a quick update as my viewership has gone down significantly. I'm not dead, but I have been busy for the past week.

Anyways, September isn't my month for games. I'm not buying Destiny 2 day one. Will I even buy it? Maybe I'll get it once every expansion pack releases for it, but that means that Destiny 3 will be released shortly after that happens. I hear it's better than the original game, but I still don't want to be grinding missions for three hours at a time.

I have the Xbox One X pre-ordered. I never mentioned this, but I had it pre-ordered on the day it was announced for pre-orders. The PS4 Pro is good, but I want to play my multi-platform games on my Xbox One X since they are going to run so much better. Although I don't have a 4K TV yet, the games on it are going to run a lot more smoothly. I'd rather have my games run at 1080p at 60fps than at 4K at 30fps.

After months of hiatus, I decided to go back to Rainbow Six Siege. The game has gotten a lot better over time, but the amount of players who are new to the game are just everywhere! Seriously, I just love this game and it's as good as I remember.

With October coming up, I should be able to post a bit more frequently. When the Xbox One X releases, I'll be sure to have a review for it.
Till Next Time!!