Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Microsoft's Terms of Service change: My Thoughts

Hey Guys, I know most of you who read my material don't play on Xbox One or probably don't use any Microsoft related products, but I find this new update for their ToS to be worthy of discussion because of the negative repercussions that can occur.

While browsing NeoGaf on this topic, I found a quote from Microsoft about this violation of "offensive language", "In the Code of Conduct section, we’ve clarified that use of offensive language and fraudulent activity is prohibited. We’ve also clarified that violation of the Code of Conduct through Xbox Services may result in suspensions or bans from participation in Xbox Services, including forfeiture of content licenses, Xbox Gold Membership time, and Microsoft account balances associated with the account".

Let me get this straight, can I get banned off of Xbox Live if I message someone that I'm going to fuck their mom or something?

I was already aware that you can get a temporary ban for already sending 'offensive' messages, but now it's going to lead to a full on ban? Personally, I don't send messages to people to talk shit to them. I just do that over the mic if the other person is really being a dick to other people.

However, I really don't understand what "offensive language" is suppose to even mean. I'm not allowed to swear over a message anymore? I can't call a game shit or something unrelated to the user themselves shit? I'm going to go off on a limb to say that a majority of Xbox Live accounts are owned by adults, so why on Earth should we be essentially censored to what we can say to each other?

Don't get me wrong.There are some serious assholes out their that will harass people over messages, but remember that there is a mute and block button, so why the hell should there be an update that down right can lead to a ban from the service?

We live in an age where digital games are becoming a norm, so losing your account means that you will lose access to all the games that you have purchased! This is where a legal loophole comes into play because all you have is the license to play these games.

Regardless, we still pay to use Microsoft's service. I get that we shouldn't be treating each other like shit over words. However, words are just words until they actually lead to action. You know how many times I've been told that someone is going to murder me over a video game? Well, I'm still alive to bitch about it, aren't I?

Sometimes I wish I wasn't a human. People can just be outright stupid at times.
Till Next Time!!