Monday, October 31, 2016

In Retrospect: Outlast

Hey Guys, Happy Halloween! Okay, originally I wasn't going to be writing about Outlast because I never played the game until a couple of days ago. I got the game on sale during the Xbox Live Shocktober sale. I was planning on going back to Alien: Isolation, but I decided why not Outlast?

This is something I want to add as a new segment on my blog where I look back on older games and see how they aged in either a good or bad way. I will include both games I have or have not played before since I wouldn't remember much about their stories anyway.

I will go into detail about the game's environment later...

Outlast is a survival horror video game that initially released on September 4th, 2013. Yes, it's been a full three years since the game released. It's also been two years since the console version of the game released. I will be looking at the Xbox One version of the game since my PC is a piece of shit that would probably kill itself trying to run it.

Most of you probably remember this game by watching your favorite YouTubers torture themselves playing the game. I know this is how I first heard of the game; otherwise, I probably would not know about this game since it originally came out on PC.

Anyways, does this game hold up today?

Okay, the gameplay is easily the saving grace of the game. There is a tense atmosphere that is caused when you get caught and have to run away from your enemy. Additionally, you just want to faint whenever you do get caught because you can't fight back.

It's kind of bullshit that you can't fight back, but I totally understand why it was implemented into the game. However, it can lead to some frustrating deaths if you do end up getting spotted or an enemy just comes out of nowhere. Yes, there were times where I accidentally ran into an enemy after turning a corner. This is rare, but it does happen.

If you have are a veteran of survival horror games, then you are probably going to breeze through this game on Normal Difficulty. If you want any kind of challenge, then play on Insane. However, the game in of itself is too easy once you pretty much understand how the game works. I can say the same about any other game, but Outlast just feels too easy for me.

The difficulty doesn't kill the experience, but if the game were just a tad bit harder then it would make the game a lot more appealing in terms of replay value.

Believe me, the game has plenty of replay value, but the game is way too short. You can probably complete the game's story on Normal in about 5 hours or less. After that, it's a matter of if you even want to go back on harder difficulties or just get collectibles. I'm not going to give the game shit for this since you could still come back to this game and experience something new.

There are only two major things that I believe hold the game back from being a masterpiece. You may or may not agree with me, but this is just how I feel.

The game over-relies on jumpscares. You do not need to have jumpscares to make something scary. PT is the epitome of a horror game that does not need to have jumpscares to make even a grown man cry. If the game went into a psychological horror genre, then it would be so much better.

That's also not to mention the cliche environment around you. Seriously? The only way a thousand dead corpes in a video game will scare someone is if they were like 7 years old. This is something that has been done so much that it doesn't even bother me or anyone who has seen a horror movie/game in their life. I get it. The asylum you are in is fucked up, but do I really need to see it in a way that is just unoriginal?

Nonetheless, Outlast is a blast to play and you can get it at a dirt cheap price now. Today is the last day you can get the Xbox One version of the game for about $6 and it comes with the DLC. I can't say much about the DLC as I have yet to even play it.

If you haven't played Outlast before and are looking for a scare, then this is a good option. If you do end up loving Outlast, then you're going to have a good time with Alien: Isolation. Just don't expect much of a challenge if you start on a lower difficulty or a great story. The story is interesting, but more should have been done with it to make it better. Like more likable characters?

That's it for me today, guys. Before I end this, I want to say that I am fully aware that Titanfall 2 released last week and Infinite Warfare is releasing this week. I want to get Titanfall 2, but I want to get Dishonored 2 first. Additionally, Black Friday is in a couple of weeks, so I'll wait until then to make any purchases on video games. Actually, I will be pre-ordering Dishonored 2 to get a review out for it due to Bethesda's new review policy. Many of you are going to want to wait to get Dishonored 2, so I'll bite the bullet once more. However, knowing Bethesda the game is probably going to be good.
Till Next Time!!

Sunday, October 30, 2016

How to fix Call of Duty

Hey Guys, with the upcoming release of Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare this Friday it's finally time to talk about the state of Call of Duty. It's starting to get annoying having to hear people bitch about the game and say stuff like "COD is Dead", "It's not cool to make fun of the dead", etc. As soon as the beta released, people were already bitching about it. Instead of me bitching about Infinite Warfare, I'm actually going to be civilized and provide constructive feedback on how to fix future Call of Duty games and possibly "resurrect" the franchise.

Seriously, Infinite Warfare is a dead meme at this point...
1) Change the Release Window
Even though this list isn't in any particular order, I will say that this has to be the most important point that I will be making here. In order to get people to stop saying that Call of Duty is recyclable, then it's time to change the development cycle. Ubisoft made the wise decision to skip an Assassin's Creed entry for this year because fans were not please with the more recent titles. Remember Assassin's Creed: Unity? Yeah, Ubisoft at least learned their lesson and finally will take the time to make the games better. If I remember correctly, there are about 3 developers for Call of Duty. I say that it's time they change up the cycle completely, so they get more time to work on their games. Maybe every other year at the least will be fine for a release.

2) Improve the Campaign
Seriously, I have to be in the minority that still enjoys the campaign mode. Older Call of Duty games had great stories even though they were released annually. Even Ghosts had a tolerable story. First off, the length of the campaign should be longer. If the release window were to be changed, then there should be more time to put more effort into writing a good story. Additionally, I think it's time to finally add nonlinear gameplay into the campaign just like Black Ops II did almost 4 years ago.

The campaign does not have to be super long, but if it were to last over 10 hours then that would be more than enough. The Modern Warfare franchise is a good example of how long a Call of Duty singeplayer campaign should be. It's annoying to have to go through a campaign that lasts 4 hours and end on a cliffhanger.

Treyarch at least tried to put effort into making a tolerable story for Black Ops III. While I wasn't a huge fan of the campaign, I still thought it was serviceable and provided an interesting plot.

3) Ditch the Future Setting
This has to be obvious. I'm sure that about 90% of the Call of Duty player base is tired of the futuristic settings. Black Ops II took a risk by being the first Call of Duty game to take place in the future as well as having a nonlinear campaign. However, nobody wasn't expecting the future settings to be the new norm for Call of Duty games.

Ghosts is literally the most recent game in the franchise to have your feet on the ground without any kind of Exo jumping. Sure it was innovating to have the Exo suit in Advanced Warfare, but only half the player base liked it.

Personally, I feel like Vietnam or the Korean War would be the best settings to have in a new Call of Duty game. Go back in time and start a mini-series much like the Modern Warfare Trilogy and Black Ops Trilogy. I know Vietnam has been done before in Black Ops, but those were only bits of it. Essentially, just set the game in the past or in our modern time without any kind of Exo jumping at all.

4) Overhaul the Multiplayer
Multiplayer is where the core of Call of Duty is at. However, this is how people complain that each Call of Duty game is pretty much the same is because a lot of them don't even try playing the campaign. Well, it's time to start from scratch with the multiplayer in order to get whiny little bitches to stop their bitching about Call of Duty.

I think it's time for a more casual approach with the multiplayer. I know I might get some shit for saying this, but it's time to take Call of Duty in the Overwatch direction.

Seriously, if the multplayer were to be simplified to get even the most casual player online, then it could attract a more wider audience. Additionally, there can be more teamwork orientated game modes and classes. Balancing needs to be revamped, so there is nobody complaining about a weapon or class being overpowered.

Multiplayer maps should be smaller as well as simple in order to keep the game moving rather than move at a slower pace. If the matches were to go faster, then people would be more tempted to try to get one more game in.

5) Remaster older Call of Duty games
If any of the developers really wanted to make a profit, then it's time for them to put in the effort to rebuild the older Call of Duty games and make them better. However, this shouldn't be done yearly. Maybe remaster an older game every 2 years of so to improve the longevity of the remastered games.

These remasters shouldn't be full priced as well. I would say no more than $30 would be okay. I should also add that the DLC released with the older games should be made for free as well, so there would be more of a reason for people to buy them.

That's all I have to say. The chances of any of these suggestions actually being put to use are slim to none. Hell, most of you might not even give a shit about what I say and I'm okay with it. Maybe you're tired of COD. However, this franchise still has some life to it.

There pretty much is no chance Infinite Warfare will prosper. The game was dead before it even hit the water. It was dead while it was in development. However, people jumped the gun way too quickly because the story might actually be good, but what are the chances of that happening? I know I won't be getting it. I won't even buy it for more than $40 because I'm paying for the Modern Warfare remaster.
Till Next Time!!

Monday, October 24, 2016

Xbox Live: Free Games of November 2016- Call off that hitman...

Hey Guys, are you surprised that I posted twice today? Well, so am I. Originally, I was just going to continue doing some studying until I cam across some new news that the next Games with Gold lineup for November has been announced. Broketober is almost over, but the holiday season is upon up. Meaning a lot of you will be either receiving or giving.

If you didn't already know, this is a solid lineup...

From here on out, I'm going straight to my thoughts as my dumbass realized that you all can read the dates in which the games will be available from, so what's the point of me having to repeat them to you if you can see it?

Okay, I've never played any of these games. That Super Dragon Bros is a new game for Xbox One, PS4 and PC that I know for sure I won't be playing. After doing some research, the game looks like a typical co-op shooting gallery. I'm sorry, but I'm just not into top-down shooters. I don't know if it's due to the design or not, but I just don't like them.

I loved Far Cry 3 and heard nothing but good things about Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon. This is the game that I will be sure to download as soon as I can. Even though I might be playing some Battlefield, I will do my best to go play it for leisure to see what I've been missing.

I've never heard of Monkey Island and it doesn't appeal to me, but if it's a good game please let me know. I don't want to bash on a game that I've never played before.

I've been looking into getting Murdered: Soul Suspect, but I wanted to have a physical copy of the game. I've heard mixed things about the game, but it's free, so why should I feel entitled to complain about it? I'll still play it, but I'm hoping it will hold my attention long enough to play it.

That's it for me today, guys. Hopefully, I'll have some posts up before the week is up, so be sure to stay tuned as usual.
Till Next Time!!

Gears of War 4 Review

Hey Guys, after putting in the time into Gears of War 4 almost 2 weeks since its release it's time for me to finally get this review to you guys. It's been probably been over 9 months since my first formal review, so I'm excited to get to review something. You could also skip down to the "score" and summary, but know that I'm going to as much detail as possible without spoiling the story. Anyways, let's do this.

If you haven't seen the trailers, then I just spoiled that Marcus returns...

What I Liked
The story is going to be divisive. I've seen people who loved the story while others are the exact opposite. Personally, I liked the story. Sure, it's reminiscent of some elements that have been done before in almost every drama video game ever, but it still works just fine for the game. Additionally, there is a plot twist that I will not spoil. Trust me, you'll know what I mean when you play the game yourself.

However, you shouldn't be going into this game expecting to see a full-on war going on. If anything, it's more of a father-son tale. If you've played Gears of War 3, then you already know that humanity already won the war and are merely trying to rebuild society. That doesn't mean there aren't any action sequences. If anything, this game has some great action sequences! I wish I had a large TV with some 7.1 audio surround sound to get the full experience of the game.

The core gameplay hasn't changed much. Whether that is a good thing or not is completely up to you. I didn't see much use in the new CCC mechanic. However, whenever I did manage to use(usually in the campaign) I got this tingling sensation in my balls purely due to satisfaction. Imagine being able to pull it off in multiplayer. You'll feel like the biggest badass ever. I must also add that the weather system is a hit or miss. There are only a handful of missions that involve you being able to use the environment in a storm to take out your enemies. Nonetheless, these sections did promote some strategy, but it wasn't as challenging as I was hoping for it to be.

Trust me, these are a lot more intense than they look....
Let me also mention the visuals. This may easily be one of the best looking Xbox One games to date. I now understand why this game just couldn't be possible to develop on the Xbox 360 because it would kill the visual experience. Obviously, I've never played the PC version of the game, so I imagine it looks a trillion times better on PC.

The multiplayer has to be the best portion of Gears of War 4. There has been some changes from the Beta, but there was nothing too major. Dodgeball is my favorite to play due to how similar it is to Search & Rescue. I'm sorry, but I suck at execution where you only get one life. Just like any Gears of War game, shotguns are the way to go. If you don't use a shotgun in multiplayer, then I have no idea what to tell you other than good luck. Personally, I've never had a problem with people using shotguns in multiplayer because I kind of had to learn out of desperation how to be a relatively good shot.

We went on this lose this match in the most embarrassing way possible...

This is what sucks...
I didn't really find JD Fenix to be as interesting as his father. However, I found his friends as well as the older cast to be far more likable! I understand that I might be a bit biased due to being a Gears of War veteran, but I think the smartass protagonist has been done too much. Additionally, he just seems to take things way too lighthearted. If you played the gamed, then you'll know what I mean. He isn't a bad character by any means, but he's not the next iconic video game character that Marcus Fenix already is.

Okay, I played the game on Insane difficulty, which is why it took me a while to complete the game. It literally took me almost 17 hours in order to complete the campaign on Insane. I've played all the Gears games on Insane, so I know for a fact what it's like to play through the hardest difficulty. This is the difficulty where the problems start to show up.

This checkpoint system is bullshit. Seriously, if you get fucked in the ass due to a Drone rushing you or one of the Juvies killing you in just two hits you have to start all the way back to your last checkpoint. This doesn't make the game more difficult. It literally just causes anger due to having to start back to a checkpoint. Trust me, some of the boss battles can get difficult especially one in Act IV and lead to some of the most frustrating deaths possible. Fuck Insane. I literally sat and wondered why on Earth I would put myself through such punishment. For the love of God, please don't pop the pods. It isn't worth it.

Additionally, it just murders the immersion of the game. Why would I put myself through such difficulty when there is an interesting story lying just ahead of me? By the way, I have no idea why some reviewers are saying there are moments where you do nothing but take in the atmosphere. Man, I wish that could happen because I felt like the pacing was too inconsistent. One moment I'm done clearing enemies and the next minute here comes another wave of enemies.

For the love of God, please don't shoot the pods especially on Insane...

Speaking of waves of enemies, there are about 2-3 missions where horde elements were implemented. Trust me, these were not fun at all especially on Insane. However, I'm indifferent to horde mode, so I can't really talk shit about the mode. I put in about 40 minutes into horde mode and it just didn't appeal to me. However, I'm not going to dock it points just because I'm indifferent to it. I used to play a ton of horde mode on Gears of War 2 & 3, but that was back when I had a ton of time on my hands.

As fun as the multiplayer is, there are a few big issues with it. First off, if you want to play Core playlists it's going to take a while to actually join a match. It's annoying to have to wait like 5 minutes in order to join a game. Additionally, it's especially annoying to join a match with an uneven amount of players on each team! What kind of bullshit is that!? I'm not sure if balancing has to do with anything or maybe the player count isn't high enough for these playlists to be populated. If you really want to get into a game and don't care about being ranked, then please go to Social Quickplay.

Let me go back to the story. I know I said it was interesting and the set pieces were great, but the game feels like it ended too abruptly. If I had played the game on Normal or Causal, I could probably beat the story in under 10 hours. Seriously, this game just feels too short. I understand that the game's events take place within 24 hours, but there should at least be a satisfying conclusion.

I'm not going to spoil the ending. However, the final boss and ending were just way too underwhelming for me. Hell, I think the final boss in Gears of War Judgement was more epic than this shit final boss we got in Gears of War 4. Gears of War and Gears of War 3 easily tie when it comes to their final boss fights. They were tense as well as challenging if you were playing on a high difficulty. They could even last hours if you are struggling. The ending itself is pure sequel bate. I have no clue where the franchise heads from here, but I am still curious what happens next.

Final Thoughts
I don't understand why this game is getting 9s from a lot of reviewer sites. I'm sorry, but this is just not a 9/10 game. If I had used a number scale anymore, I would rate this an 8. 7 is way too low as this game is still pretty good. Yeah, I have no idea what that reviewer from GameSpot was on when they posted up their review of the game. I'm 100% sure it's only getting 9/10s is because it still has Gears of War in the title. Otherwise, it doesn't feel like a Gears of War game.

Final Thought: Buy it
Even though the campaign maybe short, you are still getting a bang for your buck based on the content alone. If you like to play Zombies from Call of Duty or any other game with a horde mode, then this is the game for you. Keep in mind that Gears of War has been doing this for quite some time and has managed to get to top itself every time when it come to horde mode.

Additionally, you get a code that allows you to own every Gears of War game that released back on the Xbox 360 and each of them were great games that got better each time. Well, Judgement is divisive, but it's not a terrible game as a lot of fans claim it to be.

If you do pick up the game and are a new player, please play the previous games before you jump into the campaign. If you don't want to play the campaign or get bored of it, then multiplayer is a lot better. Seriously, multiplayer will provide hundreds of hours worth of entertainment and can totally see it being supported years down the line.

If you have an Xbox One, this is a game that you should pick up. You could wait for a price drop, but I'm not sure if this game will be getting one anytime soon.

Before I close out, I plan on talking about the state of Call of Duty after the community backlash over the Infinite Warfare beta. Additionally, I want to revisit a specific game in time for Halloween and talk about how it may or may not hold up today.
Till Next Time!!

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Nintendo Switch: My Thoughts

Hey Guys, I know that I've said I'm done talking about consoles. However, since the Wii U has been out longer than the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 I'll make Nintendo's new console an exception,. Additionally, I need something to hold you guys off until I wrap up my Gears of War 4 review.

Even the logo is sexy to look at...

Nintendo is literally the king of having creative ideas. The Nintendo Switch is easily one of the coolest consoles that I've ever seen. A handheld/console hybrid is something you would think of in your dreams rather than it being a reality. Yeah, I guess you could consider the Wii U a handheld/console hybrid, but I don't know much people who actually were fond of using a Wii U gamepad.

Imagine being on a college campus and not having a TV in your dorm for whatever reason. You could have a handheld with the power of a console to have something to do in your down time. Maybe you really want to take shit, but don't want to leave your couch. Not a problem!

In all seriousness, I do like the idea of convenience that this console provides since I'm assuming you don't even need a TV to play it. Please, correct me if I'm wrong, so I don't look like a complete dumbass.

Of course, I have to be a bit skeptical of the console itself. First off, there has to be some kind of downgrade once the Nintendo Switch is not plugged into a TV. Maybe the quality of the graphics would go down, but this is Nintendo after all and we all know that they don't prioritize graphics.

Speaking about graphics, please don't expect the Nintendo Switch's graphics to be able to stack up with the Xbox One or PS4- let alone the Xbox Scorpio and PlayStation Pro. The console might be a bit more powerful than the Wii U, but this is something I really don't care about since I would only be playing Nintendo games on the Switch.

I must also add that Nintendo has finally learned their lesson and has a massive third-party developer list, so for those of you who don't have an Xbox One or PS4 and don't plan on getting the newer consoles then this is a good option. Additionally, Nintendo's games are almost always pure gold.

My main issue with Nintendo's new console is the release date. I feel like they are releasing it way too early. I feel that maybe they should have released it in early 2018. Why? Well, the newer consoles will be coming out and are appealing to people due to their power. However, if the Nintendo Switch is $300 or under than I would have no problem with the release date.

That's all for me today. I'll have the Gears of War 4 review sometime this week. I have midterms coming up, so I really need to study. By the way, I do know about Red Dead Redeption 2 and am looking forward to finding out more about it. Lastly, I picked up Battlefield 1 on Friday and am not sure if I should review it. So far, it's not a disappointment.
Till Next Time!!

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Update: My recent game pickups #3

Hey Guys, I know that I mentioned I picked up Gears of War 4 earlier this week and it's time to update the games I bought in the last month. I didn't buy a whole lot, but I would say it's more than enough for me for now.
I know a lot of these are old...
I actually got Watch Dogs, Wolfenstein, and Dragon Age yesterday because I had a coupon from GameStop that allowed me to get 2 pre-owned games and 1 for me. Since I didn't want to spend more than $40, I thought these games would be a better value. I've played Dragon Age when it was free for a weekend and loved it.

I've never played The New Order and heard it was a hidden gem, so I am excited to get a chance to play it. However, I got really lucky to find a copy of the game with the cover art since my local GameStop doesn't get a whole lot of quality trade-ins.

Okay, I know about the whole Watch Dogs controversy. However, I got the game for like $13, so I'm more than happy to buy it and try it out. Besides, what do I have left to lose?

I bought Rise of the Tomb Raider sometime in September and love the game. However, I haven't got the chance to recently play it since I got stuck on a Tomb and haven't got the time to go back into the game. Once I finish up Gears of War 4, I will do my best to go back to it.

Speaking of Gears of War 4, I only got to Act III. Currently, I am playing on Insane and barely got a chance to play it until yesterday since my weekdays are just too busy for me to be playing anything. I am not going to be making an impressions post on the game, but I will be writing a review as I play it and make any edits as I see fit in order to get the review out as soon as I complete the game. Stay tuned for that.

Before I wrap up, I must add that I have a bunch of tests to study for this week, so don't expect much new posts for this week. Additionally, I'm thinking about buying a new 4K TV, so if any of you have suggestions please message me.
Till Next Time!!

Friday, October 14, 2016

Friday the 13th the Game Delayed: My Thoughts

Hey Guys, it's Friday! Meaning that it's payday for a lot of us and the weekend belongs to us. I'm still at school and have work is about 2 hours. I decided to check out my usual gaming journalism sources and found some disappointing news. Friday the 13th is being delayed until 2017.

I was hoping that this was complete clickbait because I was looking forward to playing this game. Additionally, I was hoping for an October release since it's the month of horror after all. However, this is 100% true. You can check out the official announcement on the Friday the 13th Twitter page.

They better include her as a character model

If you were too lazy to check out the official announcement, then I'll just tell you what happened like you're five. Basically, more content is being added that includes a new map, playable character and story mode. If you already pre-ordered the game, then you'll be getting the story mode free. Otherwise, the price for the digital version of the game was marked up to $40.

Do I think this is all bad? Of course not! Sure, I may be disappointed that the game is being pushed back to 2017 around Spring, but I'm sure this will give the developers a hell of a lot more time to polish the game before it's released.

Keep in mind that Gun Media listened to the fans who wanted a story mode and look what happened. They actually give a shit about their fanbase and that's just honorable. I'm sure they knew this game was going to sell like hot cakes, but they decided that their priority is their fans.

However, I still have to be critical in the sense that this story mode better be replayable. Imagine if the story mode took an Alien: Isolation route. Man, this would easily make Friday the 13th one of the greatest horror video games of all time. I'm talking about the story. If the multiplayer sucks, then at the very least the story mode would be the saving grace.

Anyways, I hope you are all having a great day so far. I'm looking forward to the weekend to finally play some Gears of War 4. I'm going to try to get through as much of the story as possible, but I got a midterm coming up on the 25th.
Till Next Time!!

Monday, October 10, 2016

Xbox One Hard Drive RANT!!

Hey Guys, it's time for me to go into full on rant mode. Before I go on, I must first mention that I just pre-ordered Gears of War 4 from GameStop. I'm not sure if I am going to pick up at midnight on Tuesday or pick up on Tuesday morning. Either way, it's going to take me quite a bit of time to download the game due to how big it is. It's literally just over 50GB and will be around 70-80GB by the time DLC releases for the game.

I was even going to pick up Mafia III, but I don't even have the room to download the game! I literally just have a little over 60GB on my hard drive. Additionally, I want to wait for a review from someone reliable before Mafia III due to the fact that review copies of the game were not given to anyone.

Nonetheless, I was inspired to finally say something about these stupid Xbox hard drives. I'm talking about the built-in hard drives as well as some of their licensed hard drives.

First of all, I don't understand how in the world can Microsoft even allow Xbox Ones to release with a 500GB or even 1TB hard drive!? Seriously, we are at that point in time where not even 1TB will get the job anymore if you like buying new games every couple of months or so. Imagine getting a new game every month! 1TB will be utterly useless at that point.

I get that a 500GB Xbox One would be aimed for people who don't play as many video games, but imagine what will happen once the system updates take up more than half the hard drive space. Yeah, not even for ultra casual players 500GB will just not keep up.

Some of you maybe asking: Then why don't you just buy a new hard drive instead of just bitching about it? While you do have a valid point, I just don't have the funds to be buying a new hard driver considering I'm a broke college student. I do have the funds(most of it for school), but I don't know if I will be needing to spend over $100 on a hard drive since I hardly have the time to play video games now.

You want to know why else I don't want to buy hard drives? It's pretty hard to find the amount of hard driver space I want for under $100. For the love of God, please don't buy one of these hard drives.

If you really want to buy it, then go on Amazon
Okay, this particular hard drive can also be used on Xbox 360 and can be plugged in directly into the console through a USB cable. However, to overprice the damn thing at $149.99 is just absurd. Seagate literally has a 5TB hard drive external hard drive that can be used for Xbox One games for just $130! Other than the fact it runs on its own power supply, there is nothing wrong with the 5TB hard drive. Save yourselves some money and buy the 5TB hard drive.

As video games get bigger in memory, then the need for more hard drive space increases as well. This is a problem that can be fixed, so why on Earth can't Microsoft sell Xbox One consoles with bigger hard drives? I get that it will increase the price, but at least it'll be better than spending an extra $100 down the road.
Till Next Time!!

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Update: Rise of Broketober

Hey Guys, wanted to make an update post as I haven't posted anything in a while, so I thought I could just take a step back and start telling you guys what I'm planning to do for Broketober. Brace yourselves, this is going to be a wall of text.

Mafia III, Gears of War 4, and Battlefield 1
Mafia III is releasing on October 7th and I am super excited for the game. Honestly, I would get the game day one, but I need to see some kind of review because I will not get a game day one if it turns out to be either trash and/or a disappointment. However, after seeing some gameplay from Angry Joe I feel like Mafia III will be a great game. Additionally, I'm looking forward to the soundtrack.

Then, Gears of War 4 will be released on October 11th. Keep in mind that this is the Tuesday right after Mafia III releases. There is no doubt that I will get Gears Of War 4. The game is going to be good for sure and GameStop buyers who pre-order the game will get a coupon for $20 off any new Xbox One game.

I'm still on the fence for Battlefield 1 as there is a high possibility that the servers will be attacked and a chance that the game will end up like Battlefront.

My Own Issues
Okay guys, I'm still a student. Although I'm looking forward to a number of games coming out this month and beyond, I don't even know if I'm going to have the time to even play these games and get the most out of my playing experience. I absolutely hate rushing games especially if they are good.

I should also add that I don't have the funds to get every game that comes out of course. I still have this coupon I'm trying to get rid of from GameStop, so I'm going to end up spending more money on video games than I have to. Additionally, I got another coupon because it's my birth month after all.

I did buy a new game recently and will tell you guys at a later date in my next game pickups post. However, that proved to be a bad idea because I'm incredibly low on space right now. I need to finish up a couple of my games that take up a ton of room on my hard drive. I've had DOOM since June and have not completed it. Say what you want, but I started the game off on a high difficulty and I got my ass kicked.

Maybe I'll get around to beating DOOM and Resident Evil Revelations 2 in order to get them off my hard drive to make some room for these new games that I will be getting. I don't feel like getting a new hard drive just yet.

That's it for me guys. I'll see you on the next post depending on what is new and give out my opinions as I usually do. Please, try not to hurt your wallets too badly in Broketober.
Till Next Time!!