Sunday, October 1, 2017

Update: Rise of Broketober 2017

Hey Guys, it's a big month for video games and entertainment as a whole. There are literally a lot of games that I would like to get this month that include The Evil Within 2, Wolfenstein 2, and Super Mario Odyssey. Okay, I don't have a Nintendo Switch, but I really want to play Super Mario Odyssey.

This is just an article where I just get to type whatever comes to mind and talk about video games. I don't really have a particular structure as to what I'm going to be talking about, so just know that I'm going to be talking about one game and then move onto the next one. Additionally, people stop PMing about Destiny 2 because I won't be playing that anytime soon.

The Evil Within 2
Okay, The Evil Within 2. It's the month of Halloween, so why on Earth wouldn't you want to play a horror game? To be honest with you, I personally believe that The Evil Within is one of the most underrated horror video games in recent years. The gameplay feels very smooth and is reminiscent of Resident Evil in the survival horror department.

The Evil Within is a game that should be played on Hard because it forces you to think twice about using weapons. Additionally, it makes enemies a lot harder to take down. They were already annoying to take down because you have to burn them to make sure they didn't come back. At least, that's what I remember the game being like. It's been a long time since I have finished the game.

The story itself is also a very cool concept. The main protagonist and antagonist aren't really interesting to me because of the lackluster voice-acting performance of the protagonist and the generic characteristics of the antagonist. I guess you could say that about most of the characters because I felt that more character development should have been added into the game, but it's serviceable for what it is.

Forza Motorsport 7
I'm not much of a fan of racing games, but the Forza series is pretty cool to me. I only played Forza Motorsport 5 and really want to get into the Horizon series.

If you didn't already know, I have the Xbox One X pre-ordered and want to take advantage of its capabilities. Why not see how Forza Motorsport 7 performs? This is a damn good looking game and would look amazing in 4K HDR running at a beautiful 60fps.

I won't be getting this day one. I'm sure it'll go on sale by Black Friday as well as most 4K TVs, so I'll keep an eye out on this game.

Wolfenstein 2
Wolfenstein was a series that wasn't known for its story. The series was the basis of Doom. B.J Blazkowicz was the original character in the first first person shooter game ever created. This man has been kicking ass before Doomguy.

However, Wolfenstein took a new direction when The New Order released. The game actually had a decent story and B.J. Blazkowicz had more of a character to him. The New Order really succeeded in the gameplay department because you could play it full guns blazing or just play it stealthily. The voice acting was also pretty impressive for what it was. If you haven't played The New Order, then please go pick it up.

You need to personally watch gameplay of The New Colossus. For crying out loud, you start the game off killing Nazis in a wheelchair. I don't think I've ever seen a game do that before. Based on early impressions of the game, the characters are being more developed this time around and this game is taking place on American soil!

I'm a fan of Red Dawn and this game in particular is giving me that Red Dawn vibe, so I'm excited to see what this game has to offer in terms of story.

Final Ramblings
I'm considering getting a Nintendo Switch, but come holiday season it's going to be extremely hard to find. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Super Mario Odyssey are system sellers on their own, so it sucks I don't have the console to play them on.

Some other games I would like to get include Persona 5, The Sims 4, and Call of Duty: WW2. I didn't include them on this "list" since they aren't releasing in October. Well, Persona 5 and Nioh have been out I just didn't have the time to play them.

I'm looking forward to playing a lot of these games, but it's going to be tough trying to budget them. I'm going to try to get The Evil Within 2 this month. Also, I'm still working on that In Retrospect post. I'm sorry for the wait, so I'll do my best to have a double post this week to make up for that.
Till Next Time!!

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