Monday, July 6, 2015

Guillemot: "That's what we learned from the Watch Dogs experience – if it can't be played on the target machine, it can be a risk"

Hey Guys, two days in a row with two posts in one day! I guess you can say that I'm on a roll. Anyways, back to the article. A recent article came up from The Guardian about an interview they had with Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot. You can check out the full article right here

In case you didn't know or were living under a rock, Watch Dogs was a highly anticipated game back in 2014 and is infamous for its disappointing performance despite successful sales. Seriously, this has to be the 2nd most advertised game back in 2014 just slightly under Destiny. However, the biggest reason why the game was such a big disappointment to a lot of people was the graphics downgrade.

In the article, Guillemot even admitted that the company raised expectations for Watch Dogs way too high. He even addressed the issue that the game was not playable during the E3 conference. Because of the backlash that Watch Dogs had due to the graphics downgrade, Ubisoft has changed its policy on showing its games. Now, Ubisoft will be allowing people to play their games at conventions which gives them an idea of what the game will be like.

This is both a good and bad thing. Since I'm always negative, I will start with the bad. First off, Ubisoft knew that they messed up! They knew about the graphical downgrade! Most importantly they knew about the many bugs that the game had! Who is to say that other companies don't do the same? Just recently Rocksteady admitted that the developers for the PC port of Arkham Knight were fully aware of the bugs and frame rate cap. 2014 was a disappointing year for gaming and this only signifies that people are unaware of the fact that game companies know about the faults of their games, yet they decide to fix them after they release!

Despite all the bad, this is still a good thing because Ubisoft is at least doing something to gain its trust back by making sure they don't make the same mistake they made with Watch Dogs. Most companies should be able to do this. More Betas should be released as a way for people to submit feedback in order to improve their games. However, a lot of these companies don't take these feedbacks into consideration. Just look at EA with what they did with Battlefield 4.

Seriously, something has to be done in order to stop releasing games that either don't live up to the hype or release completely broken.
Till Next Time!!

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